Hello once again, you guys.
Very belated post but I attended this year’s MAGFest conference, my 10th one possibly.
Reviewing games from old to new.
Hello once again, you guys.
Very belated post but I attended this year’s MAGFest conference, my 10th one possibly.
Hello once again, you guys.
Sorry for kind of disappearing after that last hiatus post. Life stuff is still getting in the way but I’ll try to still write for my blog when I’m able to.
Anyway, I attended this year’s MAGFest conference (the ninth one I’ve attended I think?).
On day 1 of the conference, I picked up my badge, and then got a wristband, the latter of which I thought was a pointless addition. Isn’t wearing the badge enough validation that you paid for a pass?
Didn’t go on day 2 because I wanted to stay home and spend time with my family that day.
On day 3 of the conference, in addition to playing in the arcade and roaming around the marketplace I attended attendee run tournaments of the N64 games The New Tetris and Goldeneye. I contemplated going to the The Runaway Guys’ Thrown Controllers panel but it was far too crowded for my liking. But I did spend some time at TASbot’s game archival panel.
On the final day of the conference, I went to the PC LAN room and played a bit of CS:GO online via my own Steam account.
Though I found the conference to be more of the same compared to previous MAGFests, I still had a decent time regardless. I’m also planning to go to this year’s Super Smash Con conference.
See ya later.
Hey guys, here’s my quick recap along with my thoughts on this year’s MAGFest!
Hey guys, sorry for being late with this post but here are my thoughts on this year’s MAGFest!
Hi everyone, it’s me yet again.
Yep, full review-wise I’ve still got a bad case of writer’s block, but I’m planning to get out of it next Thursday, as my dad gave me a good suggestion to start writing stuff again.
I am also planning to buy an Elgato capture card in the future, because while I want to include game play samples recorded by me in my reviews, I want them to look presentable.
And the reason for my way too long hiatus during this time may have a bit to do with the fact that I’ve been focusing on my part time job in tech support (which I have been doing really good in, BTW).
In the meantime however, you can follow me on twitter at https://twitter.com/Gamerrethink.
Stay tuned for more reviews.
(TL;DR at the bottom)
Hi guys, it’s me again.
Now, this post would’ve been about my visit to the Nintendo Switch event in Washington D.C., but unfortunately, it was not a successful trip.
When my dad and I got there at 9 AM, the event was already at full capacity, and when one guy asked a question about the wristbands to the event representative she said that all the wrist bands were handed out at 7:30 AM, not 8:30 AM as it said on the website.
I got annoyed upon hearing that, and eventually, we went home.
In the end, I was annoyed at being misled, but I got over it.
See you guys later.
TL;DR: Went to Switch event, all wristbands were handed out at an earlier time, event was already at full capacity